Learn computing

© D M Griffiths

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What the site is about

If you want to learn

or teach

computer skills

then this site can help you.

This website aims to help tutors teach basic computer skills and students to learn them.

Because it takes some time to learn the basics about computers, I’ve split the course into sessions, each taking around one to two hours. I hope that a ‘tutor’ (a friend or relative) will be on hand to help in the early stages

When you’re teaching or learning about computers, it’s useful to have printed notes to work from, and to take away from the lessons. So this site provides three documents which can be downloaded from the Resources page.

The documents were the result of training which I gave to an ‘over 50’ age group, but they are suitable for any tutor, friend or relative that wants to teach basic computing. Click here for the next page (Aims)